Essential 4 Kids

Keeping children safe is every adult’s responsibility. Back to school time is here! Whether it is virtual or in-person, students are now seeing their teachers, school nurses, bus drivers, youth organizations, and so many more. It is critical that all adults that interact with children know what to do if they observe abuse or if a child discloses abuse.
Child Safe of Central Missouri has resources to help. We've provided a link for one-page resource flyers on everything you need to know on protecting our children. School staff, law enforcement, faith communities, childcare providers, and if your work with youth in general there’s a flyer for you.
Remember, all adults are essential 4 kids! If you suspect abuse or neglect, you must directly report it immediately to the hotline. You are not making an accusation when you report. You are requesting professional help for a child and their family. Most importantly, if a child discloses abuse to you, stay calm, listen, and tell them “I BELIEVE YOU”.
We need awareness more than ever! We need you to help!
If you suspect neglect or child abuse (physical or sexual), call 1-800-392-3738. Calls are answered 24/7. All you have to do is suspect it to make the call. Kids are counting on all adults to protect them!